Friday, December 2, 2011
Good News!!
Based on my first pregnancy test that I took at home so.. yeah oel and I are pretty excited!! :)
Saturday, November 26, 2011
The Honeymoon: Ooh la la <3
Before we went on the honeymoon, we had to go to my parents place, pack up the truck with all of my junk, and then go to our place (all in all your longer than average trip from Wisconsin to Arkansas!) THEN we went to our honeymoon place! Which was in Missouri! Joel took me to the place he grew up, and introduced me to a bunch of people he knew and we got this nice picture:
We don’t really know who put the flowers there… But, this is Joel’s dad’s gravestone. Don’t Cry!!! Sorry, I tend to tear up a bit… Continuing on:
After spending a while in his home town, we went to the precious moments place! We didn’t get to go into the museum because it was “late” but we saw the last tour of the chapel, and walk around the grounds a bit:
After that, we went to Branson, Mo. We went to a few Museums, about the Titanic, The other was Ripley’s Believe it or not. Then SILVER DOLLAR CITTY!!!! By far, my favorite place to be! It was cold throughout our honeymoon, and I got a little cold from the cold… which isn’t very fun! We had a blast together!!! And I’ll spare a few details… If you want to know more: email or comment
Thursday, November 24, 2011
The Wedding
Hey Everybody! Joel and I don’t have internet service, so what will be happening is I’ll type up my posts, then when we go to McDonald’s I’ll post them all in bulk. Today’s date is Tuesday, October the 25th. Joel and I came back from our Honeymoon on Saturday… And it was amazing!
Well, I’m getting ahead of myself: the wedding!! It was a wonderful ceremony, our officiate, Bro. Fergusson helped us so much, and everything went smoothly. All the girls looked B-E-A-utiful in their dresses! (I don’t have any of my own pictures to post yet I will as soon as I can)
Joel said he liked my dress… (to what degree I’m not sure ; ) And I was wearing a slip under that dress that was WAY too tight! I just about died!… Okay, I’m exaggerating… but I could barely eat. But, all in all, it looked good. As my Grandma would say: It’s the price we pay to look good.
Our Photographer took so many pictures, our faces were hurting by the time he was done : P , On top of that we also had my now, sister-in-law taking snapshots and Kara taking pictures too. Also, there was a video-man walking around that my dad knows pretty well, not to mention the other man who was videoing the ceremony too.
The Reception hall looked gorgeous with plenty of purple and brown throughout. And it looked better than I imagined! Fox Hills is DEFINITELY a great place to have a reception and wedding! It may be expensive, but I think it’s worth it.
I think that’s about it, If you want to know more post some comments, or shoot me an email, and I’ll post more
Friday, October 14, 2011
Tomorrow's The Big Day!!
Monday, October 10, 2011
5 days....
Anyway, Joel just told me that he still wants to spend every moment with me because he feels like he's going to be leaving without me... like he's up here for a visit... and I, actually, feel kinda the same way haha!! We're so used to him having to leave that it's hard to believe that we're actually getting married.
That's all I really have to say.... Anything everyone wants to know about??? Please let me know im my comments!!
Sunday, October 9, 2011
6 days!!!
Anyway: The bridesmaids dresses are all done, thank goodness!!! That was some big to-do! None of the dresses fit right on anybody! Too tight, shoulders to big, seams not sewn the greatest... but anyway thanks be to God that everything worked out! Can't wait to see it all come together at the wedding!
Saturday, October 8, 2011
Down to One week People!!!
Music. I wanted to create a unique mixture of music... That's one thing people tend not to notice, at least I never did haha! And I want people to walk away from the wedding and remember at least something about the music. To give everyone a taste of what will be playing the bridal party will be walking up the aisle to this. Obviously I'll walk up to the bridal march, and the recessional... I don't know what that will be yet. Joel and I have an idea.. but it's just that: an idea... we'll see if it happens :)
That's about it for today.... I'm exhausted from cleaning all day ( because future in-laws will be coming in the next week) And my handsome man will be coming up tomorrow!!
Friday, October 7, 2011
8 days!!!!
Thursday, October 6, 2011
9 Days
10 days
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
11 Days
So, It's 11 days to the wedding, and what is this bride doing? Blogging! Just kidding! I've been working on gifts for my side of the bridal party, and the ring bearer. I can't post pictures yet, because Anna will see them and it won't be a surprise!! I'll post if probably after the Rehersal Dinner (I'm giving the gifts then)
Also what this bride-to-be is doing is stressing. Haha! What bride doesn't stress?? I'm trying not to, really I am!! Anyway, that's about it.... Except for a picture of this:
My handsome man and I <3 |
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
I'm Baaaack!!!
And as the wedding draws closer (24 days!!!!) I'm constantly thinking: I can't believe that I was blessed to find the man I love so soon! Joel and I have been discussing alot of things, and I'm loving every second we can spend talking, just knowing that once we get married there won't be phones and distance between us... every moment is magical for me already! Sure, we get to the point where we don't agree on something for some reason (life is no perfect cup of tea) and we get over it!
I have no clue as to why I'm posting all of this on the internet for "ya'll" to see, but I just feel the need to share what I'm feeling and thinking.... Anyway, just one piece of true wisdom for everyone before I sign off for a bit:
SMILE: It goes with your outfit!!
Saturday, July 16, 2011
Big news and questions...
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
I’m going to be taking a blogging break: I’m hoping to move everything from my home computer to my laptop before making anymore posts for awhile.
When I come back to the blog I’m hopping to have made a few more videos and some other things.
With so much wedding planning and trying to graduate so fast it’s going to be difficult keeping up with my blog.
Monday, May 9, 2011
Her name is "Sue." And I wanted to let you all know about her. I first discovered her in Branson, Missouri. And promplty lost touch with her until today. At first she was all in peices, but then I put her to rights and made her feel good about herself again, if I do say so myself :)
Oh, you would like to see her?? Well, here she is:
Saturday, April 23, 2011
I'm Getting Married!!
I've only got 3 and 1/2 books left. after that, 4 necklaces to make, bouquet choices, figure out what I done with my hair and the bridesmaids hair.... oh boy...
Wish me luck.
This Picture was taken by moi, in Arkansas on my last visit... let me know what you think.
Friday, April 1, 2011
Joel is Up here!!!
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Snowscape: Birdhouse
Sunday, March 20, 2011
Quilt Progression
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Towel Creations: Hanging Monkey
Have a large towel to begin with |
Roll in the sides to the center of the towel |
It should look like this |
Now flip it over |
And fold in half so the "rolls" face out ward |
Pull out the corners of the towels out of the rolls... Just a little tug will do. |
Now here comes the hard stuff: grab the corners of the towels in both hands and pull the 2 left rolls and the 2 right rolls apart |
And keep going |
Keep going |
Until it looks like this. You put it on it's "stomach" |
This will be your Monkey's Body |
Flip the body over unto it's back |
Pin the "arms" and "legs" together so he doesn't fall apart. |
This is a medium towel for the monkey's face. ( A hand towel) fold it in half "width-wise" |
Fold in half "width-wise" again. (have the first crease on top like I have it here, it'll make things easier for you) And then fold it in half length wise... Like the picture shows, if you can read it. |
This is your monkey's head and face |
Sandwich his/her head in between the arms as shown |
Give him/her some sunglasses |
and I put a pnytail holder in his/her mouth for a tongue |
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
"blah blah mummble blah"... "and How do you feel about that?"
1) What type of toothpaste do you use?
2) Do you have a favorite color, if so what is it?
3) You have a choice to take ONE book to a desert island. That is your ONLY form of entertainment. What book would you bring?
4) What would you do if someone were gossiping about you? How would you put a stop to it?
5) How would you react if one of your siblings just walked in the door and all of a sudden said "Today I learned in Social studies about how the civil war started... by the way, you look pretty."
Would love to hear your answers on these! ^_^
Monday, February 14, 2011
Don't slip on the...!. *falls*... ice.
I dont know if you can see the scrapes on my chim... they're very light, but hurt like fire!
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Baby Angelina: An Update
So we went, first, to the wrong Bay Care Clinic. Then they sent us to the right one, and it was AAlllllllll the waaaaay on the ooootherside of G.B. So we got there late, and found out we could've stayed at the other one and got Angelina treated there! UGH!!!
She got checked out and I'm glad to say: She is perfectly ok. Nothing wrong. Healty.
After our whole family and then some freaking out, she was ok. Mom and I were excited! So we went to lunch and I fed her while trying to eat with my left hand.... She must've been thoroughly annoyed, because I write with my right hand. So it was difficult :) either way she got what she wanted. She's healthy and loved by many.
P.S. I will add a picture later... my computer is too slow today :P
Monday, February 7, 2011
I tried.. and failed
Saturday, February 5, 2011
The French Twist
Friday, February 4, 2011
Old English Works
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
My attempts at changing my blog
My (attempts at) Photography