I started working on this quilt at the end of last year... and I just wanted to show you all how I'm doing on it....
So far I've mainly got the cutting done, which by the way is vverrrryy tedious, and I've cut out my.... wait! I'm getting ahead of myself! I haven't even showed you what it's supposed to look like, here you go:
So that's what the quilt is going to look like.. except for color differences.
Then I had to cut out all my colored fat quarters:
So there's all my quarters... and My brown strips, Just to show you all the colors and everything... I then had to cut sqares out with these handy dandy little things:
This was my work space: and yes I realize it's messy!
This was after I cleaned it up some... and you can kinda see the sqare planned out..n Thanks to my good Friend Anna P. I was able to get into the sewing part (Thanks again Anna!! It was alot of fun!!)
Then I started sewing at my nice little sewing machine :) and had to change my bobbin..
This would be the litlle iron that I use to iron the seams toward the darker fabric... I have burnt myself on this iron exatly three times at last count... (I'll keep you all updated on that)
Me sewing the squares and strips together... I mormally use both hands... but I had to take a picture with one... and I stopped my sewing machine anyway ^_^
I Just sewwed alot of them together and didn't bother cutting the threads for awhile.. this was the result
(HI MOM!) haha!
Me, cutting the threads... (again I cut with both hands, I just stopped to take a pic :)
My "frenemy" Because it helps me with my quilt, but yet it burnt me.
Again the "I use two hands thing" but "I had to take a picture"
More "flags" attached by threads (I only call them flags because to me they look like flags... I don't know about you all though..)
Some colored squares and brown 4 1/2 inch strips sewn together... What do you think?
My sewing machine and what's left to sew :)
Flags sewn together... and I'm going to cut the threads
Threads cut, and They're seperated by "Big polka dots" and "little polka dots"
No clue what this is... oh wait! It's the "little polka dots"
My scraps :)
What I'm going to have to do with the left overs from cutting those squares is cut the remaining fabric into long little strips... again :P
Anyway... that's what I've got done so far on my quilt :) I'll keep every one updated, and Let me know what you think, and if you spy any spelling mistakes please let me know? I'd like to fix them :)