Friday, October 14, 2011

Tomorrow's The Big Day!!

Wow, we're here, alive. And I guess I'm taking it pretty calmly for now :) (who knows about tomorrow:) The rehearsal was pretty good, we ran through it a few times... and I think we'll do great tomorrow! The bridesmaids liked (I hope) the gifts I gave them... Here's a pic of one:

Then there were a few things inside... It's not much, I know, but I put thought into it.

I've been thinking about life is going to change, and I'm looking forward to it. It's hard not to, the "adventure" and spending my life with "my head" since I've been walking around without one for years now (according to Sister Sallie) Ok, It was funnier at Perkins today than it appears on this post.

Everyone gathered at Fox Hills Resort and we were waiting on a few lost family members of Joel's *ahem* not naming any names... coughBENcough Just kidding! It was actually kind of funny :) My future nice Gloria is our flower girl and she looked like she was having a good time walking up the aisle. Same with my Cousin Joe (he's shy around alot of people) The Tuxes all fit everyone, except two people who haven't tried them on yet. The dresses are all good and mine, I hope, is perfect!

I'll end up posting pictures later (I hope soon) and this is me, signing off for tonight: God Bless!

Monday, October 10, 2011

5 days....

Joel and I had to go and get some sort of license saying we could marry... or something like that... I don't really understand it all :P Let m.e tell you: I don't like going to the courthouse. At all. Period.

Anyway, Joel just told me that he still wants to spend every moment with me because he feels like he's going to be leaving without me... like he's up here for a visit... and I, actually, feel kinda the same way haha!! We're so used to him having to leave that it's hard to believe that we're actually getting married.

That's all I really have to say.... Anything everyone wants to know about??? Please let me know im my comments!!

Sunday, October 9, 2011

6 days!!!

We are at less than a week!! and my sweet heart is actually sitting next to me right now and I'm enjoying it! Tomorrow we have to get this document signed at the courthouse saying we can go ahead and get married. Or something. like that.... I think.

Anyway: The bridesmaids dresses are all done, thank goodness!!! That was some big to-do! None of the dresses fit right on anybody! Too tight, shoulders to big, seams not sewn the greatest... but anyway thanks be to God that everything worked out! Can't wait to see it all come together at the wedding!

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Down to One week People!!!

Wow..... 7 days, at this time next week I'll be married to the best man on Earth!! In the Universe, even!!!!! Anyway.

Music. I wanted to create a unique mixture of music... That's one thing people tend not to notice, at least I never did haha! And I want people to walk away from the wedding and remember at least something about the music. To give everyone  a taste of what will be playing the bridal party will be walking up the aisle to this. Obviously I'll walk up to the bridal march, and the recessional... I don't know what that will be yet. Joel and I have an idea.. but it's just that: an idea... we'll see if it happens :)

That's about it for today.... I'm exhausted from cleaning all day ( because future in-laws will be coming in the next week) And my handsome man will be coming up tomorrow!!

Friday, October 7, 2011

8 days!!!!

OH MY WORD!!! I'M SOOO EXCITED!!!!... I apologize for that very necessary outburst. Any way... Toay I put the necessities in two rubermade containers, to take to the wedding... The guest book, card box, ring pillow etc. Also something to note: I finished the corsages too!! I never want to wrok with flowers ever again!... at least not for awhile.. haha!

Random thought: When I move to the house Joel and I will have in Arkansas I'm not allowed to have a pet... unless it's a fish. So: I want a fish... any suggestions as to the best fish?? haha! I really want a pet... so a fish it must be. I think I would like one fo these:


Thursday, October 6, 2011

9 Days

We are getting in the single digits!!!!!!! My sweetheart is also coming up on this coming Sunday! So, I promised Flowers on my previous post, so, flowers are here! Boutteneries! The one with  white ribbon wraping is for my Darling Husband to Be (that gives me the good chills haha!:)

The reason I did his in white, is becuase I want him to stand out just a little bit. The Bride is in all white, and her bridesmaids are usually in the wedding colors. So, why not make that somehow true on the grooms side? That's my reasoning anyway.

The groomsmen, preacher, and father and grandfather (his dad passed away just little over a year ago. and his grandathers aren't able to come) are wraped in brown. Except for one tiny detail: my grandpa's has a little silver boot (as in boot-enerries) no pun intended.

Believe it or not, it's hard work doing boutteneires yourself! Oh well, I'm glad I did it though, I feel a sense of pride knowing that I did this, and we saved some money by not asking a florist to do it. Let me tell you though: I dont want to ever work with flowers again!....... At least not for a little while :)

10 days

OK, What should I talk about today.... How about the sand ceremony? If there's any complaints against it, well, on "9 days" post there will be flowers. So, here I go.

Joel and I decided we wanted to do some sort of unity ceremony, we didn't like the candle ceremony because, well, I'm scared that my veil, or worse, my hair will catch on fire (this was before I decided I was wearing my hair up) So I did a little research and came up with this:

I don't know if this picture is to small or not, but anyway,, most of the pictures on Bing were sand ceremonies. I brought this to Joel, and we talked about it and decided this was the one for us. Well, I didn't want to buy any of the expensive kits in the stores. So a couple weeks ago I convinced my darling mother to take me to an antique shop.

I found this bottle:

I washed and dried it, and since the opening was so small, I had to either but a funnel and two bottles..... Or buy to Vinegar/oil bottles.

Me and my wonderful mother again went somewhere: Appleton (!!) and we went to T.J. Maxx and found exactly what we were looking for!

Two Beautiful bottles that compliment the center piece. One of the side bottles will be filled with brown sand, the other with purple, which was bought at Hobby Lobby.

All in all here was how much this ceremony costs:
Centerpiece bottle: $6.00
Oil bottles: $4.00 apiece
Sand: $2.99 apiece

Compared to a $29.99 sand ceremony set from Hobby Lobby. (I would have had to buy the sand separately)

So there you have it! A Unity Sand Ceremony, that you can save a few dollars on :)

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

11 Days

Man, I should of started this yesterday... Then it could've been "12 days of wedding prep". Oh well.... It's 11 days then... Grrr! hahaha!

So, It's 11 days to the wedding, and what is this bride doing?  Blogging! Just kidding! I've been working on gifts for my side of the bridal party, and the ring bearer. I can't post pictures yet, because Anna will see them and it won't be a surprise!! I'll post if probably after the Rehersal Dinner (I'm giving the gifts then)

Also what this bride-to-be is doing is stressing. Haha! What bride doesn't stress?? I'm trying not to, really I am!! Anyway, that's about it.... Except for a picture of this:

My handsome man and I <3