Friday, March 7, 2014

Pinterest Project #4: Granny Squares

I'm not entirely finished with this one, but I'm pretty proud of myself for picking up crocheting again. I followed this tutorial on how to make an easy granny square. I wanted to make a blanket for Jason, so I'm doing it so it will match his future room when we move :) I made the squares in two different sizes to add some interest to the little blanket, and when I finish it I will definitely post pictures of the finished project.
Here's my larger square with my cutie in the background eating breakfast

and the smaller square, he looks unimpressed lol

Pinterest Project #3: Magnets

I don't know where time went, but January slipped away from me. I had made this project in the beginning of the month, and it was so easy and only took a few minutes. I can't find the link, but it is on pinterest... probably on my diy board...  All I did was buy some scrapbook paper, the round magnets, (one of the stronger ones, I hate when a magnet can't hold what I what them to) and the round glass pebble things and I had some modpodge. I brushed the modpodge directly on the scrapbook paper, and put the pebbles on the modpodged paper. Then waited for that to dry and then cut around the pebbles with scissors. Then I hot glued the magnets to the back. In all it only took minutes to complete.
all the beautiful magnets 

If I could change one thing, I would have used a brighter paper

the view of the paper is blurry

My camera is terrible.