After a great flight from Milwaukee to Chicago (which is only 20 minutes) i had to get on a flight to Little Rock, Arkansas! Yes, I was greatly excited, but I was also kind of nervous. I had about an hour layover, so to pass the time, I would make up stories about the people around me: where they were going, why they were going there, and where were they from. I did this for awhile and it seemed like a few minutes later, or so it seemed, we were boarding.
Once I was in my seat, I saw an elderly lady and, I assume, her husband. She was dressed very nicely, and had the most biggest diamond ever on her ring. So, again to pass the time I tried to think of why it was so big. First I thought, 50th anniversary, or maybe they were REALLY rich. or maybe itwas one of those fake ones you could buy at wal-mart. By the time this was done, i began to get nervous again: i was meeting my future mother-in-law, sisters-in-law, and brother-in-law. then the thoughts came realing: what if they don't like me? How should I act? is there any subjects that shouldn't be talked about? What if they don't like me? what if I do something embarassing? What if they don't- wait, I said that already... But that was my main thought! Anyway, once our flight landed, I called Joel to tell him I was there, and he said that he was too. I walked out past security, and saw, Joel, his mom, and one of his sisters there... I hugged them all, after introductions, and my thought was "Two down, and four to go!" We went to his place and I met the rest of them. And of course everything went fine.
After spending a few days there on Friday we all headed to Texas! They had the greatest meetings I've ever been in, in my entire life! Bro. Fergusson preached a series on the Holy Ghost and how we shouldn't stop getting It. And I'll admit something right now: after being in a chruch who didn't teach everything, and didn't follow the Message 100%, I was frustrated and confused. Until Saturday night; I saw the first altar call in my life, and didn't understand for a good hour. I was about to walk out, and something directed my feet toward the front. I was up there. And I understood what was being said, and being done in the altar call. AND I'VE GOT IT!!! I've got the HOLY GHOST!!
Sunday Bro. Fergusson simplified his whole message, and I didn't need that anymore, I thought I needed that in the begining, but, God knew better, He knew I needed to experience it for myself. I thank Him for it!
That afternoon we headed back to Arkansas, and I would leave two days later, so we went around town and took plenty of pictures of Hot Springs:
Joel and a friend of his at Joel's work,his friend and him go to the Hot Springs (Bro. Kirby's church) |
This water comes right out of the Hot Springs... I don't know if you can see the steam or not |
A walking path, Great photo op. |
You can see some of the hills in the background... The Ozarks I believe |
The Arlington Hotel |
A walk-way in the sreet that leads to... a wax meuseum? Wow. In the Middle of Downtown |
I loved the street lamps! Gives an old time feel |
The lake! |
Stuck my camera out the window: I love those street lamps! |
Now you can really tell: I LOVE those street lamps!! haha! |
A Bath in one of the bath houses, it was turned into a visitor center, you could tour the place. |
A fountain in the bath house, the green coloring tells how hard the water is |
Joel's Mom... my future Mom in law! |
Three of the four sister's, I could never get the other one in a picture for some reason.. |
They would use the water as a therapy, the wooden thing above you can kind of see: that is what the transported patients on who couldn't walk, and they would use this bath. |
Sorry there's alot of pictures... But I just love Hot Springs! When I had to Leave, it was the hardest thing I've ever had to do. Leaving my sweetheart and a place I loved! I cried my eyes out on the airplane, which is kind of shameful. But it felt like my heart was tearing in half! Once I got home, I just emptied my suitcase on my bedroom floor, to get what I needed and after that 3 hour layover in Chicago: I was bushed! I fell asleep wishing....
Hey Virgina, Very nice pictures, glad you had fun in Arkansas!!!
ReplyDeleteYay! I'm so happy for you, Virgnia! Now we're sisters, in Christ!!!
Cool pictures! You have a great blog! I love your background!
ReplyDeleteBTW Awesome blog design and look!
ReplyDeleteThanks for the compliments :D
ReplyDeleteGood pictures!
ReplyDeleteLooks like you had an awesome trip. - Might I add, "Hallelujah!!!" Being filled with the Holy Ghost is a wonderful thing, Praise the Lord!