Saturday, December 4, 2010


After a great flight from Milwaukee to Chicago (which is only 20 minutes) i had to get on a flight to Little Rock, Arkansas! Yes, I was greatly excited, but I was also kind of nervous. I had about an hour layover, so to pass the time, I would make up stories about the people around me: where they were going, why they were going there, and where were they from. I did this for awhile and it seemed like a few minutes later, or so it seemed, we were boarding.
Once I was in my seat, I saw an elderly lady and, I assume, her husband. She was dressed very nicely, and had the most biggest diamond ever on her ring. So, again to pass the time I tried to think of why it was so big. First I thought, 50th anniversary, or maybe they were REALLY rich. or maybe itwas one of those fake ones you could buy at wal-mart. By the time this was done, i began to get nervous again: i was meeting my future mother-in-law, sisters-in-law, and brother-in-law. then the thoughts came realing: what if they don't like me? How should I act? is there any subjects that shouldn't be talked about? What if they don't like me? what if I do something embarassing? What if they don't- wait, I said that already... But that was my main thought! Anyway, once our flight landed, I called Joel to tell him I was there, and he said that he was too. I walked out past security, and saw, Joel, his mom, and one of his sisters there... I hugged them all, after introductions, and my thought was "Two down, and four to go!" We went to his place and I met the rest of them. And of course everything went fine.
After spending a few days there on Friday we all headed to Texas! They had the greatest meetings I've ever been in, in my entire life! Bro. Fergusson preached a series on the Holy Ghost and how we shouldn't stop getting It. And I'll admit something right now: after being in a chruch who didn't teach everything, and didn't follow the Message 100%, I was frustrated and confused. Until Saturday night; I saw the first altar call in my life, and didn't understand for a good hour. I was about to walk out, and something directed my feet toward the front. I was up there. And I understood what was being said, and being done in the altar call. AND I'VE GOT IT!!! I've got the HOLY GHOST!!
Sunday Bro. Fergusson simplified his whole message, and I didn't need that anymore, I thought I needed that in the begining, but, God knew better, He knew I needed to experience it for myself. I thank Him for it!

That afternoon we headed back to Arkansas, and I would leave two days later, so we went around town and took plenty of pictures of Hot Springs:

Joel and a friend of his at Joel's work,his friend and him go to the Hot Springs (Bro. Kirby's church)

This water comes right out of the Hot Springs... I don't know if you can see the steam or not

A walking path, Great photo op.

You can see some of the hills in the background... The Ozarks I believe

The Arlington Hotel

A walk-way in the sreet that leads to... a wax meuseum? Wow. In the Middle of Downtown

I loved the street lamps! Gives an old time feel

The lake!

Stuck my camera out the window: I love those street lamps!

Now you can really tell: I LOVE those street lamps!! haha!

A Bath in one of the bath houses, it was turned into a visitor center, you could tour the place.

A fountain in the bath house, the green coloring tells how hard the water is

Joel's Mom... my future Mom in law!

Three of the four sister's, I could never get the other one in a picture for some reason..

They would use the water as a therapy, the wooden thing above you can kind of see: that is what the transported patients on who couldn't walk, and they would use this bath.
Sorry there's alot of pictures... But I just love Hot Springs! When I had to Leave, it was the hardest thing I've ever had to do. Leaving my sweetheart and a place I loved! I cried my eyes out on the airplane, which is kind of shameful. But it felt like my heart was tearing in half! Once I got home, I just emptied my suitcase on my bedroom floor, to get what I needed and after that 3 hour layover in Chicago: I was bushed! I fell asleep wishing....


  1. Hey Virgina, Very nice pictures, glad you had fun in Arkansas!!!

    Yay! I'm so happy for you, Virgnia! Now we're sisters, in Christ!!!

  2. Cool pictures! You have a great blog! I love your background!

  3. BTW Awesome blog design and look!

  4. Good pictures!
    Looks like you had an awesome trip. - Might I add, "Hallelujah!!!" Being filled with the Holy Ghost is a wonderful thing, Praise the Lord!
