Tuesday, May 21, 2013

A Skirt Inspired

Looking around on Pinterest and the internet there are plenty of cute skirts to be found, but not so cute prices.... I decided to try to do one myself with my own flavor....

 Here it is! I like the way it turned out!

 First seam rip and cut to desired length, and have a fabric chosen for your ruffles.

 Pin and sew your "rear" seam (where my sewing foot is on in the above picture)
 Then pin and sew your back "in between the legs" fabric, Since I'm making a shorter skirt, I had enough of the cut off legs, left over to re-use. Hey, waste not want not right? After that, you'll need to measure the places where you are going to be putting your ruffles, I did three so I took a measurement of where my tape is, and two more place below that at pretty equal spacing... Clear as mud?
 Now we'll make a pattern for our ruffles, I used a quilting ruler, and it has those handy dandy diagonal lines that I used to make the "side" seams... It'll get clearer as we move along. Basically I drew half of a trapezoid, to be placed on the fold of your fabric. The "top" of your trapezoid is going to be attached to your skirt, the bottom is going to be free, the diagonal lines are going to be attached to the sides of your skirt. The tissue paper below is how my pattern looks, I don't know how clear it is to you, but try enlarging the picture, if that doesn't work, let me know and I'll edit this post to show a clearer picture. Also, Be sure to add seam allowances!
 Here's one of the pattern pieces cut out and on the fabric getting ready to be cut:
 I hemmed all the way around the pieces, so they wouldn't unravel. For the top ruffle I seam ripped the bottom of the back pockets out so I could sew right over the ruffle and still be able to use those pockets.
After this point I kinda forgot to take more pictures of the process: To create more of a ruffle effect on your bustle, you'll have to add a few gathers.... That's all I can really say for now, my son woke up.... 


  1. Oh,to cute! I reconize that fabric from Marie Madeline Studio. ;)
    I would love to see a photo of you wearing it.

    1. I'll get a picture up as soon as I can get Darling Husband to get a picture of me in it :)
